Vienna to Düsseldorf Flights

Fri, Apr 19
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Overview: Vienna to Düsseldorf flight

distanceDistance475 miles (766 km)
durationAverage flight duration1 h 35 min
priceAverage plane ticket price$215 (€190)
changesDirect flightNo
carriersAirlinesEurowings, Austrian Airlines, Ryanair, Wizz Air, Air Baltic, TUIfly, Eurowings Europe, Malta Air, Smartwings, airmax, Lufthansa, KLM or LOT Polish Airlines

Flights from Vienna to Düsseldorf cover the 475 miles (766 km) long route taking on average 1 h 35 min with our travel partners like Eurowings, Austrian Airlines, Ryanair, Wizz Air, Air Baltic, TUIfly, Eurowings Europe, Malta Air, Smartwings, airmax, Lufthansa, KLM or LOT Polish Airlines. You can get the cheapest plane tickets for this trip for as low as $91 (€80), but the average price of plane tickets is $215 (€190). Travelers depart most frequently from Vienna International Airport and arrive in Dusseldorf Airport.

The cheapest flights from Vienna to Düsseldorf

Showing times and prices for Apr 20


The best way to find a cheap flight ticket from Vienna to Düsseldorf is to book your journey as far in advance as possible and to avoid traveling at rush hour.

Vienna International Airport (VIE)
10:50AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
0 transfers
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
10:25AMCologne Bonn Airport (CGN)
0 transfers
2nd Cheapest
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
07:10PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
0 transfers
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
08:50AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
0 transfers
Air Baltic
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
06:15PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer

Flight schedulefrom Vienna to Düsseldorf

Showing flights for tomorrow, Saturday, April 20
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
09:50AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
10:00AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Air France
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
05:50PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Air France
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
12:50PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
09:40AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
11:50AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
05:40PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
08:50AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
0 transfers
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
10:25AMCologne Bonn Airport (CGN)
0 transfers
Lufthansa Cityline
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
12:40PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
10:50AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
0 transfers
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
05:40PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Lot Polish Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
06:55PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
02:30PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
02:30PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Air France
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
09:40PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Air France
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
05:50PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
09:35AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
2 transfers
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
09:35AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
06:55PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
TAP Portugal
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
12:25PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
04:40PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Air Baltic
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
06:15PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
03:30PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
09:20AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
06:00PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
07:10PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
0 transfers
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
09:35AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
08:40PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Lot Polish Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
09:35AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
07:35AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
10:00PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
2 transfers
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
10:00PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
2 transfers
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
09:35AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
2 transfers
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
07:00PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
2 transfers
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
07:00PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
2 transfers
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
10:00PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
2 transfers
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
07:00PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
2 transfers

This is the last flight of the day.

Find all the dates and times for this journey

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The fastest flights from Vienna to Düsseldorf

Showing times and prices for Apr 20

Fastest Journey

1 h 30 m


11 h 11 m

Flights per day



766 km

Of the 38 flights that leave Vienna for Düsseldorf every day 4 travel direct so it’s quite easy to avoid journeys where you’ll have to change along the way.

Vienna International Airport (VIE)
10:50AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
0 transfers
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
10:25AMCologne Bonn Airport (CGN)
0 transfers
2nd Fastest
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
07:10PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
0 transfers
2nd Fastest
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
08:50AMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
0 transfers
Austrian Airlines
Vienna International Airport (VIE)
04:40PMDusseldorf Airport (DUS)
1 transfer

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.


Airlines: Eurowings, Ryanair and Austrian Airlines flights from Vienna to Düsseldorf

Buy your official Eurowings, Ryanair and Austrian Airlines flight tickets between Vienna and Düsseldorf from $124 (€110) with Omio. Find flight times and tickets for over 1000 travel companies to compare and book the most convenient trip.

Austrian Airlines is Austria’s leading airline and you can choose between Economy Class or Business Class for your next flight from Vienna to Düsseldorf.

Vienna to Düsseldorf flight information with Austrian Airlines:

  • Average Duration: 1 h 35 min
  • Cheapest Price: $402

Vienna to Dusseldorf Flights: An Overview

Flying is always a good way to travel from the Austrian capital to Dusseldorf, with quick connections, plenty of choices, and budget fares often part of the mix. Direct flights from Vienna to Dusseldorf will reach the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia in between one hour 35 minutes and one hour 40 minutes, while indirect flights aren't always much slower, sometimes taking as little as two hours 50 minutes. Travelers can choose from 10-17 direct flights on weekdays (including services to nearby Cologne/Bonn Airport), and 11-15 options at weekends, with numerous indirect flights available whenever travelers need to book. It all makes visiting Dusseldorf incredibly easy.

Which airlines fly from Vienna to Dusseldorf?

Travelers will have a few companies to choose from when picking flights from Vienna to Dusseldorf. The most prolific operator on the route is probably Austrian, which schedules daily connections all year-round and offers a premium service. However, other options will be available, including low cost direct flights with Eurowings and a few services with Lufthansa. Providers of indirect flights to Dusseldorf include KLM and easyJet, so there's no shortage of possibilities.

How long is the flight from Vienna to Dusseldorf?

Reaching Dusseldorf from Vienna is almost always extremely quick, and won't take a big chunk out of travelers' schedules. When passengers find a direct flight that suits their needs, they can look forward to a flight time of between one hour 35 minutes and one hour 40 minutes in most cases. And if indirect flights are required, journey times can still be manageable. Expect the fastest services to reach Dusseldorf in about two hours 50 minutes, most often with a quick change in Munich.

How many flights are there from Vienna to Dusseldorf?

The Vienna to Dusseldorf route is very well covered by Lufthansa, Austrian, and Eurowings, so travelers won't lack for potential departure times. During the week, they can expect a choice of 10-17 departures, while there will be 11-15 options on Saturdays and Sundays. Flights can leave as early as 7:00 a.m. and departures continue on a regular basis until shortly after 9:00 p.m. So, whether travelers need to make morning meetings in Dusseldorf, or want to visit for a weekend away with Friday evening flights, options will be available. Moreover, there are few seasonal disruptions, and schedules are dependable, no matter what the season. It all makes it simple to fit flights from Vienna to Dusseldorf into any schedule.

What are the departure and arrival airports for flights from Vienna to Dusseldorf?

Departure airport: All flights from Vienna to Dusseldorf will depart from Vienna International Airport (VIE). Direct trains run from Vienna Hauptbahnhof to the airport, taking just 16 minutes, while express buses offer an affordable and comfortable alternative. Parking is provided for drivers, and there's a handy valet service to help those with large amounts of luggage. Inside, travelers can purchase duty-free goods, eat a range of cuisines, shop for apparel, and use workspaces where fast, free WiFi is available at all times.

Arrival airports: Flights from Vienna could arrive at Dusseldorf Airport (DUS) or Cologne/Bonn (CGN). Cologne/Bonn is around 48 kilometers from Dusseldorf, but trains only take 30 minutes. Dusseldorf Airport is much closer, and transfers to the center of town take around 15 minutes. Both airports host car hire outlets, with major companies represented. And both host free WiFi networks, making it easy to arrange onward travel.

Cheap flights from Vienna to Düsseldorf: when to book to save $

Time Price Savings
1 week earlier 60 €
3 weeks earlier 55 €9%
1 month before 59 €2%
2 months earlier 47 €28.%
3 months earlier 30 €100%

When it comes to booking flights, planning ahead always pays off! Both scheduled and low-cost airlines often release promotional prices and discounted fares—so by buying in advance—you can get access to the cheapest airline tickets. Use Omio to check prices and flight offers Vienna - Düsseldorf: look for the most attractive fares and choose the most suitable solution for you. But hurry up—if you want to buy cheaper airline tickets from Vienna to Düsseldorf timing is everything.

Flight prices can fluctuate massively. However, we have studied price trends to help you find cheap flights from Vienna to Düsseldorf and save as much as possible on ticket prices. In general, when you book a flight:

  • Buying your air tickets from Vienna to Düsseldorf 3 weeks in advance means you could save up to 9% compared to the price available on the day of departure.
  • If you book a flight from Vienna - Düsseldorf 2 months in advance you save up to about 28% compared to the initial price.
  • By booking 3 months in advance you could save up to 100%
  • Check back to our website where you can explore airline offers and cheap flights to travel all over Europe, the U.S. and Canada.

FAQs: Vienna to Düsseldorf Flight

FAQs: Take a flight from Vienna to Düsseldorf hassle-free. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Vienna to Düsseldorf.
Cheap plane tickets from Vienna to Düsseldorf can start from as little as $90 (€80) when you book in advance. The average flight ticket price for Vienna to Düsseldorf is $215 (€190); however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
The average journey time by plane from Vienna to Düsseldorf is 1 h 35 min   to travel the 475 mile (766 km) long route. Journey times can vary on weekends and holidays, so use our Journey Planner to search for a specific date.
The first flight from Vienna to Düsseldorf leaves at 7: 45 AM. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last flight from Vienna to Düsseldorf leaves at 9: 20 PM.
When taking a flight from Vienna to Düsseldorf, you can count on Eurowings, Austrian Airlines, Ryanair, Wizz Air, Air Baltic, TUIfly, Eurowings Europe, Malta Air, Smartwings, airmax, Lufthansa, KLM or LOT Polish Airlines for the best way to get you to Düsseldorf. You can also check all possible airlines who offer a service to Düsseldorf from Vienna and compare the amenities they offer before buying a plane ticket.

Flights from Vienna to Düsseldorf generally leave from Vienna International Airport and arrive in Dusseldorf Airport.

Vienna International Airport is 19.4 km away from Vienna city centre and Dusseldorf Airport is 9.7 km from Düsseldorf city centre.

The cheapest month to travel from Vienna to Düsseldorf by plane is March.
You have options as you can travel from Vienna to Düsseldorf 3 different ways: train, bus or flight.

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