London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) train

Fri, Apr 19
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Cheap train tickets from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI)

Showing times and prices for Apr 20


The best way to find a cheap train ticket from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) is to book your journey as far in advance as possible and to avoid traveling at rush hour.

DB Southeastern
London Victoria (VIC)
07:06AMRainham (Kent) (RAI)
0 transfers
DB Southeastern
London Victoria (VIC)
06:33PMRainham (Kent) (RAI)
0 transfers

Train schedule from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI)

Showing trains for tomorrow, Saturday, April 20
DB Southeastern
London Victoria (VIC)
06:33PMRainham (Kent) (RAI)
0 transfers
DB Southeastern
London Victoria (VIC)
07:06AMRainham (Kent) (RAI)
0 transfers

This is the last train of the day.

Find all the dates and times for this journey

Compare prices and tickets London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) by train or bus

Apr 20
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Apr 22
Apr 23
Apr 24
Apr 25
Apr 26

Fastest train times from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI)

Showing times and prices for Apr 20

Fastest Journey

53 m


1 h 8 m

Trains per day



54 km

Of the 2 trains that leave London Victoria (VIC) for Rainham (Kent) (RAI) every day 2 travel direct so it’s quite easy to avoid journeys where you’ll have to change along the way.

DB Southeastern
London Victoria (VIC)
06:33PMRainham (Kent) (RAI)
0 transfers
DB Southeastern
London Victoria (VIC)
07:06AMRainham (Kent) (RAI)
0 transfers

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.

Deutsche Bahn

Overview: Train from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI)

distanceDistance33 miles (54 km)
durationAverage train duration52 min
priceAverage train ticket price$20 (€17)
frequencyTrain frequency25 a day
changesDirect trainYes, there are 25 direct trains a day
carriersTrain companiesSoutheastern

Trains from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) cover the 33 miles (54 km) long route taking on average 52 min with our travel partners like Southeastern. Normally, there are 25 trains operating per day. You can get the cheapest train tickets for this trip for as low as $6 (€5), but the average price of train tickets is $20 (€17). Travelers depart most frequently from London Victoria and arrive in Rainham (Kent).

Train providers: Southeastern from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) trains

Southeastern trains will get you between London Victoria (VIC) and Rainham (Kent) (RAI) from $6 (€5). With over 1000 travel companies on Omio, you can find the best train times and tickets for your trip.

Southeastern is a train company based in the United Kingdom. It operates services from London to Kent, Sussex, Surrey and parts of East Anglia. It runs services from early morning until late at night, seven days a week. Southeastern has a range of train types, including high-speed Javelin trains, commuter-friendly Metro services, and the classic InterCity services. Ticket types include Advance, Off-Peak, Super Off-Peak, and Anytime tickets. Onboard facilities include free Wi-Fi, power sockets, and a range of food and drink options. The most popular routes for Southeastern are London to Kent, London to Eastbourne, and London to Hastings.

London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) train information with Southeastern:

  • Average Duration: 52 min
  • Cheapest Price: $6
  • Southeastern frequency: 25 a day

FAQs: Trains from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI)

FAQs: Travel by train from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI).
Cheap train tickets from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) can start from as little as $6 (€5) when you book in advance. The average train ticket price for London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) is $20 (€17); however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
On average the London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) train travel time is 52 min   for the 33 mile (54 km) long trip, but the duration can vary if you travel on weekends and holidays.
The first train from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) leaves at 5: 42 AM. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last train from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) leaves at 11: 40 PM.
There are 25 trains a day from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) which require at least one change with Southeastern. Schedules can vary on holidays or weekends with fewer trains.
For the best London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) train to purchase, you can travel safely and comfortably with Southeastern. However, it's always good to check all possible train providers with services to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) from London Victoria (VIC) to compare what amenities they may offer.
No, there are no night trains, the latest train for this route is 11: 40 PM.

Passengers board the train most frequently from London Victoria, which is located around 1.8 miles (2.9 km) away from the city centre, and they get off the train at Rainham (Kent), located 0.3 miles (486 m) away from the city centre.

The cheapest month for a train from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) is January.
You have options as you can travel to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) from London Victoria (VIC) 2 different ways: train or bus.

Trains departing from London Victoria

Distance from London Victoria to city center
Distance from London Victoria to city center
1.8 miles (2.9 km)
How to get to this station?
How to get to this station?
Onward travel information: Victoria Bus Station at Station Front
Location for Rail Replacement Services: When weekend engineering dictate that replacement bus services will operate, these will usually depart from the immediate Station front/Terminus Place. Travel from London Victoria is usually conveyed by London Buses in these instances. Check posters and staff for more details.
Metro: Underground services: Victoria Line, District Line and Circle Line
Amenities at station
Type of shops available: News agent Flower stall Hairdresser Shoe repairer Wide range of shops Pharmacy Convenience store High street shops Off Licence Passport Photo Booth
Information Desk
Information Desk
Information available from staff: Yes - from help point | Passenger Information Systems: Departure screens, Announcements, Arrival screens
Staff help available: Yes | Step free access coverage: Yes | Step free access note: There is step free access at London Victoria Rail Station to the Victoria Line on the Underground. This can be accessed via the Cardinal Place entrance to the underground. | Accessible car park equipment: Wheelchair users may require assistance using car park equipment at this station | Accessible public telephones: Main concourse | Accessible taxis: Available on request Taxi rank outside main station entrance | Accessible ticket machines: There are no accessible ticket machines at this station | Accessible toilets: Yes | Ramp for train access: Yes | Wheelchairs available: Yes | Wheelchairs available open hours: Monday - Sunday 24 Hours a Day | Impaired mobility set down / pick up points available: Yes

Trains arriving to Rainham (Kent)

Distance from Rainham (Kent) to city center
Distance from Rainham (Kent) to city center
0.3 miles (487 m)
How to get to this station?
How to get to this station?
Location for Rail Replacement Services: Station forecourt
Amenities at station
Type of shops available: newspapers
Information Desk
Information Desk
Information available from staff: Yes - from help point | Helpline Contact: 0345 322 7021 or Text relay 18001 0345 322 7021 Freephone 0800 783 4524 or Text Relay 18001 0800 783 4524 | Passenger Information Systems: Departure screens, Announcements
Staff help available: Yes | Step free access coverage: No | Step free access note: Category B1. This station has a degree of step-free access to the platform, which may be in both directions or in one direction only - please check details - Step free access to platform 0 or 1 for services towards London via main station entrance or side entrance out of hours. Step free access to platform 2 for services away from London via side entrance and short ramp from Granary Close. Step free interchange via road and steep paths in excess of 250 metres | Accessible public telephones: Public telephones are not wheelchair accessible | Accessible taxis: Accessible taxis are available to book | Accessible ticket machines: There are accessible ticket machines at this station | Accessible ticket machines note: station forecourt | Accessible toilets: Yes | Ramp for train access: Yes | Wheelchairs available: Yes | Wheelchairs available open hours: Monday - Friday 06: 00 - 20: 48 Saturday 06: 30 - 20: 48 Sunday 07: 45 - 19: 45 | Impaired mobility set down / pick up points available: Yes

More options for your journey from London Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI)

Here are some other resources that might have the information you need

HomeTrainsLondon Victoria (VIC) to Rainham (Kent) (RAI) train

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