Copenhagen to Jönköping train

Sun, May 19
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Cheap train tickets and times from Copenhagen to Jönköping

Showing times and prices for May 21


Fastest Journey

3 h 32 m


5 h 19 m

Trains per day



253 km

Cheap train tickets from Copenhagen to start from $51 with an average ticket price of $55.

The fastest train from Copenhagen to takes 3h 32m in comparison to an average duration of 5h 19m and covers a distance of 253 km.

186 trains that leave Copenhagen for every day with It's difficult to get from Copenhagen to Jönköping without transferring at least once. travelling directly.

Copenhagen Central Station
01:20PMJönköping Centralstation
2 transfers
2nd Cheapest
Copenhagen Central Station
12:51PMJönköping Centralstation
2 transfers
Copenhagen Central Station
09:36AMJönköping Centralstation
2 transfers
Copenhagen Central Station
01:20PMJönköping Centralstation
2 transfers
Copenhagen Central Station
09:36AMJönköping Centralstation
2 transfers

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Overview: Train from Copenhagen to Jönköping

distanceDistance157 miles (253 km)
durationAverage train duration3 h 33 min
priceAverage train ticket price$49 (€43)
frequencyTrain frequency8 a day
changesDirect trainNo
carriersTrain companiesSJ, Oresundstag, Snälltåget, JLT or Skånetrafiken

Trains from Copenhagen to Jönköping cover the 157 miles (253 km) long route taking on average 3 h 33 min with our travel partners like SJ, Oresundstag, Snälltåget, JLT or Skånetrafiken. Normally, there are 8 trains operating per day. You can get the cheapest train tickets for this trip for as low as $30 (€26), but the average price of train tickets is $49 (€43). Travelers depart most frequently from Copenhagen Central Station and arrive in Jönköping Centralstation.

Train providers: SJ, Oresundstag and Snälltåget from Copenhagen to Jönköping trains

You can travel by train to Jönköping from Copenhagen with SJ, Oresundstag and Snälltåget for as low as $37 (€32). When you search for schedules and tickets, Omio will show you the best journey.

Skånetrafiken is a public transport provider in Sweden, offering a wide range of train services throughout the country. It operates a variety of train types, including regional, express, and intercity trains. Regional trains are the most common, providing frequent stops and connecting smaller towns and cities. Express trains are faster, making fewer stops and covering longer distances. Intercity trains are the fastest, connecting major cities and offering comfortable seating and onboard facilities. Skånetrafiken offers a range of ticket types, including single tickets, day tickets, and season tickets. Onboard facilities include free Wi-Fi, power outlets, and a café car. The most popular routes for Skånetrafiken are between Stockholm and Malmö, Gothenburg and Malmö, and Stockholm and Gothenburg.

Skånetrafiken from Copenhagen to Jönköping train information:

  • Average Duration: 3 h 39 min
  • Skånetrafiken frequency: 8 a day

FAQs: Trains from Copenhagen to Jönköping

FAQs: Travel by train from Copenhagen to Jönköping easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Copenhagen to Jönköping.
Cheap train tickets from Copenhagen to Jönköping can start from as little as $30 (€26) when you book in advance. The average train ticket price for Copenhagen to Jönköping is $49 (€43); however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
On average the Copenhagen to Jönköping train time is 3 h 33 min   covering the 157 mile (253 km) long route, but the journey time can vary depending on specific dates or if traveling on weekends and holidays.
The first train from Copenhagen to Jönköping leaves at 4: 44 AM. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last train from Copenhagen to Jönköping leaves at 8: 30 PM.
There are 8 trains a day from Copenhagen to Jönköping which require at least one change with SJ, Oresundstag, Snälltåget, JLT or Skånetrafiken. Schedules can vary on holidays or weekends with fewer trains.
Yes, there's a high-speed train to Jönköping. Take the fast train with Snälltåget from Copenhagen to Jönköping.
Take the Copenhagen to Jönköping train with SJ, Oresundstag, Snälltåget, JLT or Skånetrafiken. However, it's always good to check out all possible train companies for the trip to Jönköping from Copenhagen as there might be differences in the amenities they offer.
No, there are no night trains, the latest train for this route is 8: 30 PM.

When departing from Copenhagen, you have various train station options to start your route from including Copenhagen Central Station, Copenhagen, Østerbrogade (Svanemøllen St. ) and Copenhagen, Emdrup Station. When arriving in Jönköping, you can end your journey in train stations like Jönköping Centralstation, Jönköping, Juneporten and Jönköping, Rådhusparken.

Passengers board the train most frequently from Copenhagen Central Station, which is located around 0.4 miles (588 m) away from the city centre, and they get off the train at Jönköping Centralstation, located 0.7 miles (1.1 km) away from the city centre.

A trip to Jönköping from Copenhagen is worth doing but not as a day trip with a journey time of 3 h 33 min each way. Check with Omio app   the best way to travel.
The cheapest month for a train from Copenhagen to Jönköping is February.
You have options as you can travel from Copenhagen to Jönköping 2 different ways: bus or train.

Important Stations and Airports in Copenhagen and Jönköping

Copenhagen Central Station is the most popular Copenhagen railway station for Omio travelers, but it's not the only one. Read all the information you need to know about the main train stations in Copenhagen for your trip to Jönköping.
Amenities at station
Copenhagen, Østerbrogade (Svanemøllen St. )Accessibility
Amenities at station
Copenhagen, Emdrup StationAccessibility
Amenities at station
Copenhagen, Ny Ellebjerg St. (togbus)Accessibility
Amenities at station
Copenhagen, Amagerbro St. Holm (Dalslandsgade)
Copenhagen, Islands Brygge St. (Oerestads Boulevard)

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