Train to Thionville - Book cheap tickets online

Sat, Apr 20
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Train tickets to Thionville

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Paris Gare de l'Est
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About trains to Thionville

Find reasonably priced train options to Thionville on Omio, guaranteeing exceptional bargains on trains heading to Thionville. Trains to Thionville are known for their efficiency and comfort, making it a popular choice for travelers. In Thionville, you will be able to enjoy the historic charm of its old town, the stunning Château de Thionville, and the beautiful Parc Wilson. The average temperature in Thionville is around 15°C (59°F), making it an ideal destination for outdoor activities. The best time to visit is during the summer months, when the weather is pleasant and the city comes alive with festivals and events. Travelers enjoy exploring the city's rich history, indulging in delicious local cuisine, and taking in the picturesque views of the Moselle River. A fun fact about Thionville is that it is known for its production of Mirabelle plums, which are highly prized in the region. Another interesting fact is that Thionville was once a key strategic fortress during the Franco-Prussian War. The main arrival place in Thionville is the Thionville Train Station, which is well-situated in the city center. This well-connected station offers easy access to other parts of France and Europe. If you're looking for a cheap train to Thionville, be sure to check out Omio for the best deals and discounts.

How to get cheap trains to Thionville

If you're looking to buy a cheap train ticket to Thionville, there are several options you can consider in order to save money on your journey. One of the most effective ways is to exploit discounts offered by Omio. Many rail operators provide special deals for students, seniors, or frequent travelers, so be sure to check if you qualify for any of these discounts. Another way to save money is by booking your train ticket in advance. By purchasing your ticket well ahead of time, you can often find lower fares compared to buying last-minute. Additionally, avoiding peak times for trains can also help you secure cheaper fares. Traveling during off-peak hours, such as midweek or outside of rush hour, can significantly reduce the cost of your journey. Thionville itself offers a range of interesting attractions for visitors. From the picturesque Moselle River to the historic Fort de Guentrange, there is plenty to explore in this charming town. So, make sure to plan your trip in advance and take advantage of these money-saving options to enjoy a budget-friendly train journey to Thionville.

Points of interest & landmarks in Thionville

Thionville, located in northeastern France, offers a range of fascinating points of interest and landmarks that can be easily explored using various transportation modes.

  • The Château de Thionville, a magnificent castle dating back to the 10th century, is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. Explore its well-preserved towers and admire the stunning views of the surrounding area.
  • The Moselle River, flowing through Thionville, offers the perfect opportunity for a leisurely boat ride or a scenic walk along its banks. Enjoy the tranquility of the river and take in the beauty of the surrounding nature.
  • The Eglise Saint-Maximin, a beautiful Gothic church, is a prominent landmark in Thionville. Marvel at its intricate architecture, stained glass windows, and ornate decorations.
  • The Parc Wilson, a charming green space in the heart of the city, is ideal for a relaxing stroll or a picnic. Admire the well-maintained gardens, play areas, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere away from the bustling city center.
  • The Fort de Guentrange, a historic fortress overlooking the city, is a fascinating site to explore. Experience its underground passages, artillery batteries, and learn about its strategic importance during various conflicts.
  • The Museum of Thionville, housed in the former bishop's palace, showcases the city's rich history and cultural heritage. Discover a diverse range of exhibits including archaeological artifacts, artworks, and historical documents.
  • The Place de la Liberté, Thionville's main square, is a vibrant hub with shops, cafes, and restaurants. Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere, grab a coffee, and indulge in some people-watching.
  • The Porte des Allemands, a medieval gatehouse with imposing towers, is a symbol of Thionville's past. Take a walk along the city walls and admire the impressive architecture and panoramic views of the surrounding area.

Free things to do near Thionville

If you're looking for free activities near Thionville, you'll be pleased to know that there are several options within easy reach. Whether you prefer exploring nature, soaking up history, or enjoying cultural experiences, there's something for everyone. And with transportation options, getting to these attractions is a breeze.

  • Take a stroll along the Moselle River: Enjoy a leisurely walk along the picturesque Moselle River, which runs through Thionville. Admire the beautiful views, relax on the riverbank, and perhaps even have a picnic while soaking up the tranquil atmosphere.
  • Visit Fort de Guentrange: Just a short distance from Thionville, you'll find the impressive Fort de Guentrange. This historic fortress offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area. Explore the fort's grounds, walk along its ramparts, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Discover Parc Napoleon III: Located in nearby Yutz, Parc Napoleon III is a charming park that's perfect for a peaceful day out. Enjoy a leisurely stroll through the park's beautiful gardens, admire the ornate fountains, and relax in the shade of the trees.
  • Explore the ruins of Château de Rodemack: Venture a little further from Thionville to the village of Rodemack, where you'll find the enchanting ruins of Château de Rodemack. Wander through the remains of this medieval castle, marvel at its architecture, and take in the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Visit the Musée de la Tour aux Puces: Located in Thionville, the Musée de la Tour aux Puces is a small but fascinating museum that showcases the history and heritage of the region. Explore the exhibits, learn about the local culture, and discover intriguing artifacts.
  • Enjoy a picnic at Parc Wilson: Located in the heart of Thionville, Parc Wilson is a lovely green space where you can relax, read a book, or have a picnic. Take a leisurely stroll around the park, admire the beautiful flowers, and watch the world go by.

Train providers: TGV INOUI, SNCF | TGV INOUI and Regional to Thionville trains

Find the best trip to Thionville with Omio's train partners TGV INOUI, SNCF | TGV INOUI and Regional! You'll find the best deals, schedules and tickets when comparing and booking the most popular trip for you.

Explore the beauty and cultural wonders of France by train with SNCF, France's national train company. SNCF trains allow you to easily travel to all parts of France and countries such as Spain and Germany. The company offers a variety of fares, including cheap Prem tickets, standard tickets called Loisir and Pro tickets that offer greater flexibility. You can also apply SNCF discount cards like the Youth and Senior Card on Omio at the time of purchasing tickets.

Start your search for cheap SNCF train tickets to Thionville by checking the latest SNCF train schedule and comparing the best prices for tickets on Omio. You can expect to travel NaN miles (NaN km) to Thionville with SNCF. When you’ve found the perfect ticket, simply book your SNCF train to Thionville with us today!

The trains in the SNCF network include the high-speed TGV trains, classic Intercité trains and regional TER trains. The SNCF TGV trains serve the main long-distance routes and the Chunnel routes to the UK. On these high-speed trains, there is air conditioning, free WiFi, a bar and restaurant as well as some onsite services.

Train stations in Thionville

Thionville is the most popular Thionville train station for Omio travelers, but Thionville has quite a few hubs. Find all the information you need to know about the main train stations in Thionville for your trip.
Amenities at station
Thionville, Porte Saarlouis

Trains to Thionville: related information

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