Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD) train

Sat, Apr 20
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Cheap train tickets and times from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD)

Showing times and prices for Apr 20


Fastest Journey

15 m


15 m

Trains per day



8 km

Cheap train tickets from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to start from $3 with an average ticket price of $3.

The fastest train from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to takes 15m in comparison to an average duration of 15m and covers a distance of 8 km.

2 trains that leave Birmingham New Street (BHM) for every day with 2 travelling directly.

West Midlands Railway
Birmingham New Street (BHM)
07:01PMChester Road (CRD)
0 transfers
West Midlands Railway
Birmingham New Street (BHM)
09:51PMChester Road (CRD)
0 transfers

Compare prices and tickets Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD) by train

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Deutsche Bahn

Overview: Train from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD)

distanceDistance4 miles (7 km)
durationAverage train duration15 min
priceAverage train ticket price$4 (€4)
changesDirect trainNo
carriersTrain companiesWest Midland Trains

Trains from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD) cover the 4 miles (7 km) long route taking on average 15 min with our travel partners like West Midland Trains. While the average ticket price for this trip costs around $4 (€4), you can find the cheapest train ticket for as low as $3 (€3). Travelers depart most frequently from Birmingham New Street and arrive in Chester Road.

FAQs: Trains from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD)

FAQs: Travel by train from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD) easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD).
Cheap train tickets from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD) can start from as little as $3 (€3) when you book in advance. The average train ticket price for Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD) is $4 (€4); however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
The average journey time by train from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD) is 15 min   to travel the 4 mile (7 km) long route. Journey times can vary on weekends and holidays, so use our Journey Planner to search for a specific date.
The first train from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD) leaves at 11: 16 AM. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last train from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD) leaves at 9: 36 PM.
When taking a train from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD), you can count on West Midland Trains for the best way to get you to Chester Road (CRD). You can also check all possible train providers who offer a service to Chester Road (CRD) from Birmingham New Street (BHM) and compare the amenities they offer before buying a train ticket.
No, there are no night trains, the latest train for this route is 9: 36 PM.

Passengers board the train most frequently from Birmingham New Street, which is located around 1.7 miles (2.7 km) away from the city centre, and they get off the train at Chester Road, located 2.7 miles (4.3 km) away from the city centre.

The cheapest month to travel from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD) by train is November.
Yes, you can take a train from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD).

Trains departing from Birmingham New Street

Distance from Birmingham New Street to city center
Distance from Birmingham New Street to city center
1.7 miles (2.7 km)
Ticket Office Hours
Ticket Office Hours
Mon - Sat: 05: 15 - 23: 00 | Sun: 07: 30 - 23: 00
How to get to this station?
How to get to this station?
Bus lines: N5, N6, N8, 4, 9, 23, 45, 50, 61, X51, X70
Train lines: West Midlands, CrossCountry, Avanti West Coast, Transport for Wales
Onward travel information: There are nearby bus stops on Smallbrook Queensway and Hill Street Most buses are wheelchair accessible. ********************************************************************************************************** For information go to the local travel information office by the Stephenson Street entrance. Alternatively, visit Transport for West Midlands, or call 0121 214 7214.
Nearest Airport
Nearest Airport
Birmingham International Airport
9 miles (15 km)
How to get to nearest airport?
How to get to nearest airport?
You can take a direct train for 10 minutes from the station to the airport with Avanti West Coast, West Midlands or CrossCountry.
Amenities at station
Pay as you go Wi-Fi is available from Sky Wi-Fi The Cloud.
ATM machines are located on the paid concourse.
Taxi: Taxis drop off with the'drop & go' in the Hill Street entrance. The taxi rank is on Navigation Street (Stephenson Street / Victoria Square exit). For more information visit Traintaxi | Accessible taxis: Taxis drop off within the'drop & go' off the Hill Street entrance. The taxi rank is on Navigation Street (Stephenson Street / Victoria Square exit). All taxis are accessible with manual wheelchairs, most are accessible with electric wheelchairs. For more information visit Traintaxi
You can leave bags with Excess Baggage Co inside the entrance off Hill Street.
Type of shops available: Boots located on the main concourse, before the ticket barrier Camden Food located beyond the ticket barrier Costa located beyond the ticket barrier next to Platform 5b escalator Funky Pigeon located beyond the ticket barrier between Platform escalators 9-10 M& S Food located on the main concourse Mi Casa Burritos located beyond the ticket barrier next to Platform 9 escalator The Pasty Shop located beyond the ticket barrier next to Platform 7 escalator W H Smith located on the main concourse, before the ticket barrier
All Bar One | Leon | Caffè Nero | Five Guys | Krispy Kreme | The Pasty Shop | Upper Crust | Wasabi | Starbucks | Hotel Chocolat
Car Rentals
Car Rentals
Avis | British Rental Car
Information Desk
Information Desk
In the middle of the station.
Step-free access in the whole station and ramps available for train access. All platforms have elevators and escalators.

Trains arriving to Chester Road

Distance from Chester Road to city center
Distance from Chester Road to city center
2.7 miles (4.3 km)
How to get to this station?
How to get to this station?
Location for Rail Replacement Services: In the event of engineering the bus/coach will collect from: Chester Road near to Junction with Green Lanes
Amenities at station
Information Desk
Information Desk
Information available from staff: Yes - from help point, Yes - from ticket office | Helpline Contact: 0800 0248998 | Passenger Information Systems: Departure screens, Announcements
Staff help available: Yes | Step free access coverage: Yes | Accessible car park equipment: Wheelchair users may require assistance using car park equipment at this station | Accessible public telephones: Public telephones are not accessible | Accessible taxis: Accessible taxis are not available | Accessible ticket machines: There are accessible ticket machines at this station | Accessible ticket machines note: A Ticket Vending Machine is available in the station entrance area to Platform 2. | Ramp for train access: Yes | Wheelchairs available: No | Impaired mobility set down / pick up points available: Yes

More options for your journey from Birmingham New Street (BHM) to Chester Road (CRD)

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