Gela to Turin bus

Sat, Apr 20
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Overview: Bus from Gela to Turin

distanceDistance647 miles (1043 km)
changesDirect busNo

Buses from Gela to Turin cover the 647 miles (1043 km) long journey. Travelers depart most frequently from Gela, Piazza Stazione and arrive in Turin.

FAQs: Bus from Gela to Turin

FAQs: Take the bus from Gela to Turin with ease. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have the information you need to know so you can find the best option from Gela to Turin.

When departing from Gela, you have various bus station options to start your route from including Gela, Piazza Stazione, Gela, SS117bis (Centro Direzionale Eni) and Gela, F. S. When arriving in Turin, you can end your route in bus stations like Turin, Turin, Porta Nuova and Turin, Via Mario Pannunzio / Corso Caio Plinio (Stazione Lingotto).

Passengers board the bus most frequently from Gela, Piazza Stazione, which is located around 1.7 miles (2.7 km) away from the city centre, and they get off the bus at Turin, located 0.2 miles (366 m) away from the city centre.

It's helpful to compare your options as there are 2 ways to travel to Turin from Gela including taking a flight or train.

More options for your journey from Gela to Turin

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