Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France bus

Fri, Apr 19
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Cheap bus tickets and times from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France

Showing times and prices for Apr 19


Fastest Journey

7 h 15 m


9 h 30 m

Buses per day



519 km

Cheap bus tickets from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France start from $20 with an average ticket price of $37.

The fastest bus from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France takes 7h 15m in comparison to an average duration of 9h 30m and covers a distance of 519 km.

5 buses leave Bordeaux for Roissy-en-France every day with 5 travelling directly.

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BlaBlaCar Bus
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BlaBlaCar Bus
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BlaBlaCar Bus
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Overview: Bus from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France

distanceDistance322 miles (519 km)
durationAverage bus duration7 h 15 min
priceAverage bus ticket price$32 (€28)
changesDirect busNo
carriersBus companiesAlsa or FlixBus

Buses from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France cover the 322 miles (519 km) long journey taking on average 7 h 15 min with our travel partners like Alsa or FlixBus. You can get the cheapest bus tickets for this journey for as low as $20 (€18), but the average price of bus tickets is $32 (€28). Travelers depart most frequently from Bordeaux, Gare Saint Jean and arrive in Roissy-en-France.

Bus companies: Alsa and FlixBus from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France

Travel between Bordeaux and Roissy-en-France from $42 (€37) with Omio’s bus partners Alsa and FlixBus! You can find the best schedules and tickets when comparing and booking the most popular journey for you.

Alsa is the main provider of bus travel in Spain. As a subsidiary of the UK bus company National Express, Alsa offers a plethora of regional, national and international routes and transports more than 300 million passengers per year. Alsa has an impressive fleet of buses with different levels of comfort and amenities on offer. Aside from the Alsa Normal bus with free WiFi, bathrooms, footrests and entertainment on board, the Alsa Supra, Alsa Eurobus and Alsa Premium buses provide more luxurious services when traveling by road, depending on the specific route. Apart from the Standard ticket, Alsa offers other bus tickets like Minimum, Reduced and Flexible fares on select routes.

FAQs: Bus from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France

FAQs: Take the bus from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France with ease. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have the information you need to know so you can find the best option from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France.
Cheap bus tickets from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France can start from as little as $20 (€18) when you book in advance. The average bus ticket price for Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France is $32 (€28); however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
The average journey time by bus from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France is 7 h 15 min   to travel the 322 mile (519 km) long journey. Journey times can vary on weekends and holidays, so use our Journey Planner to search for a specific date.
The first bus from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France leaves at 5: 30 AM. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last bus from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France leaves at 11: 05 PM.
Take the Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France bus with Alsa or FlixBus. However, it's always good to check out all possible bus providers for the route between Bordeaux and Roissy-en-France as there might be differences in the amenities they offer.

Passengers board the bus most frequently from Bordeaux, Gare Saint Jean, which is located around 1.9 miles (3 km) away from the city centre, and they get off the bus at Roissy-en-France, located 1.3 miles (2.1 km) away from the city centre.

The cheapest month for a bus from Bordeaux to Roissy-en-France is December.
It's helpful to compare your options as there are 3 ways to travel to Roissy-en-France from Bordeaux including taking a bus, train or flight.
HomeBusesBus tickets to Roissy-en-FranceBordeaux to Roissy-en-France bus

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