How to travel from Salerno to Munich

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from Salerno to Munich

How to get from Salerno to Munich by train, bus or flight.

Our recommendation

The best way to travel from Salerno to Munich is by taking a bus because it’s the best combination of price and speed.

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Travel Information to Munich from Salerno

distanceDistance538 miles (867 km)
modeAvailable travel modesBus, train or flight
priceTicket price range$42 - $81
cheapestCheapest modeBus • $42 (€37) • 16 h 25 min
fastestFastest modeFlight • $81 (€71) • 1 h 50 min
carriersPopular travel companiesFlixBus, Lufthansa or Trenitalia

Travel 538 miles (867 km) by bus, train or flight to Munich from Salerno. The most popular travel companies which serve this route are FlixBus, Lufthansa or Trenitalia among others. Travelers can even take a direct bus, flight or train from Salerno to Munich.

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.

Deutsche Bahn

All travel companies: Airlines, Train and Bus from Salerno to Munich

Travel to Munich from Salerno on Frecciarossa, Air France and Deutsche Bahn travel with Omio. When comparing schedules and tickets, we will also show you other options with multiple connections or other travel modes if they’re available.

Enjoy the travel ride to Munich from Salerno with Trenitalia, Italy’s main provider of travel services throughout the country with an impressive fleet of travel offering different levels of comfort, amenities and speed. The company's flagship travel are the high-speed Frecciarossa, Frecciargento and Frecciabianca that can travel at speeds up to 186 mph (300 kmh). Trenitalia also operates intercity, regional and night travel. Bathrooms and WiFi access are standard on long-distance travel routes. In many cases, Trenitalia travel also provide barrier-free access.

Trenitalia tickets from Salerno to Munich are available on Omio, and you can find the best deals for them in just a few steps. Trenitalia offers three different ticket types to fit anyone’s budget, such as the Base, Economy, Super Economy and Ordinaria tickets. Trenitalia also has discount and loyalty cards for qualified travelers, which you can use on Omio. When traveling on a Trenitalia travel between Salerno and Munich, you can expect to travel 538 miles (867 km). Check Trenitalia’s travel times and tickets for the Salerno to Munich route and buy your cheap ticket on Omio today!

    FlixBus is one of Europe's leading low-cost travel companies, founded in Germany and offering long-distance travel services in Europe and the U. S. FlixBus also operates overnight travel on select routes throughout Europe. Standard amenities on FlixBus include free Wi-Fi, power outlets to charge your phone, tablet or laptop during long travel journeys, extra legroom, luggage space and toilets. You can even purchase snacks and drinks onboard. FlixBus offers only the Standard ticket for all its routes, which allows you to bring one carry-on luggage and one checked bag per person. Additional fees apply for extra luggage and specific seat reservations, such as if you want to book an Extra Seat, Table Seat or the Panorama Seat.

      Germany's largest airline is Lufthansa. Fly between Salerno and Munich and book your most convinient travel ticket from Lufthansa's many ticket options including: Economy Light, Economy Classic, Economy Flex, Business Class and First Class.

        FAQs: Travel from Salerno to Munich

        FAQs: Travel to Munich easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Salerno to Munich.

        There are 3 travel options to Munich from Salerno. You can take a bus, train or flight.

        The cheapest way to travel from Salerno to Munich is a bus with an average price of $42 (€37).

        This is compared to other travel options from Salerno to Munich:

        A bus is $39 (€34) less than a flight for this route with tickets for a flight from Salerno to Munich costing on average $81 (€71).

        Taking a bus costs $15 (€13) less than taking a train, which costs on average $57 (€50) for the same trip.

        The fastest way to get to Munich from Salerno is by flight with an average travel time of 1 h 50 min.

        Other travel options to Munich take longer:

        Bus takes on average 16 h 25 min.

        Train takes 15 h 29 min on average.

        The distance from Salerno to Munich is approximately 538 miles (867 km).

        The average frequency per day from Salerno to Munich is:

        • 1 bus a day.

        However, we recommend checking specific travel dates for your journey to Munich from Salerno as scheduled services by bus, train or flight can vary by season or day of the week.

        These are the most popular departure and arrival points from Salerno to Munich:

        • Buses mostly depart from Salerno, Piazza della Concordia and arrive in Munich, Central Bus Station (ZOB).
        • Trains mostly depart from Salerno and arrive in Munich Hbf.

        Omio works with many trusted partners that can help you travel the best way from Salerno to Munich:

        • You can go to Munich from Salerno by bus with FlixBus. You'll see cheap bus tickets for $42 (€37) with FlixBus from Salerno to Munich on Omio.
        • You can travel to Munich from Salerno by flight with Lufthansa, Alitalia, Air Dolomiti, Vueling Airlines, Alitalia (2), easyJet or Air France. You can find cheap tickets on Omio for $81 (€71) with easyJet from Salerno to Munich.
        • You can go to Munich from Salerno by train with Trenitalia, Frecciarossa or Deutsche Bahn. You'll see cheap train tickets for $57 (€50) with Trenitalia from Salerno to Munich on Omio.

        Yes, there are direct services available from Salerno to Munich with the following travel companies:

        • Direct bus with.
        • Direct flight with.
        • Direct train with.

        Direct services tend to save you time and add more convenience in getting you to Munich as you won't need to transfer at another stop in between, so it's worth paying attention to before booking your tickets between Salerno and Munich.

        Looking to extend your trip from Salerno to Munich? Many Omio customers who go from Salerno to Munich usually extend their vacation to explore other popular destinations like Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Prague or Zurich. If you're looking to explore Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Prague or Zurich from Munich, let Omio find you the best connections available at an affordable price.
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