How to travel from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa

Sat, Apr 20
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from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa

How to get from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa by train, bus or flight.

Our recommendation

The best way to travel from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa is by taking a flight because it’s the best combination of price and speed.

Madrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
09:05PMSantiago de Compostela Airport (SCQ)
0 transfers
Madrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
09:05PMSantiago de Compostela Airport (SCQ)
0 transfers
Air Europa
Madrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
11:50AMVigo Airport (VGO)
0 transfers
Other options
Madrid Chamartín
11:12PMVillagarcía de Arosa (station)
0 transfers
Madrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
08:40AMVigo Airport (VGO)
0 transfers
Air Nostrum
Madrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
05:05PMVigo Airport (VGO)
0 transfers
Madrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
12:40PMVigo Airport (VGO)
0 transfers

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Travel Information from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa

distanceDistance301 miles (486 km)
modeAvailable travel modesTrain or flight
priceTicket price range$24 - $28
cheapestCheapest modeFlight • $24 (€21) • 1 h 5 min
fastestFastest modeFlight • $24 (€21) • 1 h 5 min
carriersPopular travel companiesRyanair or Renfe (3)

Travel 301 miles (486 km) by train or flight to Vilagarcía de Arousa from Madrid. The most popular travel companies which serve this journey are Ryanair or Renfe (3) among others. Travelers can even take a direct flight or train from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa.

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Deutsche Bahn

All travel companies: Airlines and Train from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa

Ryanair, Air Nostrum and Air Europa will get you to Vilagarcía de Arousa from Madrid at great prices. With over 1000 travel companies on Omio, you can find the best travel times, prices and tickets for your trip.

Renfe is a Spanish train company that operates throughout the country including trains from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa. It offers a wide range of services, including high-speed AVE trains, regional trains, and night trains. The AVE trains are the fastest and most comfortable way to travel, with speeds of up to 300 km/h. Regional trains are slower but offer more stops and are ideal for shorter trips. Night trains are a great way to save money and time, as they allow you to travel overnight and arrive at your destination in the morning. Renfe offers several types of tickets, including single tickets, return tickets, and season tickets. Onboard facilities include comfortable seating, air conditioning, Wi-Fi, and power outlets. The most popular routes for Renfe are Madrid-Barcelona, Madrid-Seville, and Madrid-Valencia. These routes offer travelers the chance to explore some of Spain's most beautiful cities in comfort and style.

      FAQs: Travel from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa

      FAQs: Travel to Vilagarcía de Arousa easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa.

      There are 2 options to travel from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa including taking a train or flight.

      The cheapest way to go to Vilagarcía de Arousa from Madrid is by taking a flight, which costs on average $24 (€21).

      This is compared to other ways of getting from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa:

      A flight is $5 (€4) less than a train for this route with tickets for a train from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa costing on average $28 (€25).

      The quickest way to travel between Madrid and Vilagarcía de Arousa is by flight, which takes on average 1 h 5 min   compared to other travel options that take longer:

      Train takes 3 h 42 min on average.

      The Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa distance is around 301 miles (486 km).

      The average frequency per day from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa is:

        However, we recommend checking specific travel dates for your trip from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa as scheduled services by train or flight can vary by season or day of the week.

        These are the most popular departure and arrival points from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa:

        • Trains from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa most often leave from Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes and arrive in Villagarcía de Arosa (station).

        The following travel companies offer services from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa:

        • Ryanair, Iberia, Iberia Express, Air Europa or Air Nostrum can get you to Vilagarcía de Arousa by plane. You can find a good deal for plane tickets with Ryanair from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa for $24 (€21) on Omio.
        • Travel with Renfe (3), Renfe or Renfe ALVIA for trains to Vilagarcía de Arousa. If you’re looking for a good deal on tickets, check for Renfe ALVIA Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa tickets on Omio for $28 (€25).

        Yes, there are direct services available from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa with the following travel companies:

        • Take a direct flight with.
        • Direct services by train with.

        Direct services tend to save you time and add more convenience in getting you to Vilagarcía de Arousa as you won't need to transfer at another stop in between, so it's worth paying attention to before booking your tickets between Madrid and Vilagarcía de Arousa.

        Your trip from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa doesn't have to end in Vilagarcía de Arousa. Many of our customers like to extend their vacation to explore other popular destinations like Santiago de Compostela, Vigo, A Coruña or Pontevedra. If you’d like to add Santiago de Compostela, Vigo, A Coruña or Pontevedra to your Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa tour, check Omio for the best and cheapest ways to travel to any of these top destinations from Vilagarcía de Arousa today!
        HomeTravelTravel to Vilagarcía de ArousaHow to travel from Madrid to Vilagarcía de Arousa

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