A gap year acts as a time-out—traditionally taken in between or after studies—to recharge and prepare for your next steps in life. For young Americans, taking a gap year is rapidly gaining popularity; Some schools even encourage their students to make time for self-development. One of the ways to do this is by taking a gap year. Several testimonies have demonstrated the advantages of taking a gap year, both individually and professionally. If you’re still undecided, let us convince you why you should spend a year abroad.
Exploring new countries is an especially rewarding way of spending your time off and has a lot of benefits: getting to know a different culture or learning a new language broadens your mind and endows you with valuable skills for your professional life.
Between demanding studies and a competitive job market, more and more young Americans decide to hit the pause button for a little while. Traveling, volunteering, or interning during a gap year can give you the much-needed time to recharge your batteries and develop valuable skills. A gap year is also a great opportunity to work out what you want to do in life. Take a look at our comprehensive guide on planning a memorable gap year in Europe and start planning your adventure abroad!