How to travel from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA

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from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA

How to get from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA by train, bus or flight.

Our recommendation

The best way to travel from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA is by taking a train because it’s the best combination of price and speed.

Fremont, CA
10:02AMSan Jose, CA
0 transfers
Fremont, CA
10:02AMSan Jose, CA
0 transfers
Fremont, CA
10:02AMSan Jose, CA
0 transfers
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Fremont, CA
02:01PMSan Jose, CA
0 transfers
Fremont, CA
03:59PMSan Jose, CA
0 transfers
Fremont, CA
12:03PMSan Jose, CA
0 transfers

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Travel Information to San Jose, CA from Fremont, CA

distanceDistance15 miles (24 km)
modeAvailable travel modesTrain
priceTicket price range$13 - $13
cheapestCheapest modeTrain • $13 (€12) • 37 min
fastestFastest modeTrain • $13 (€12) • 37 min
carriersPopular travel companiesAmtrak

Travel 15 miles (24 km) by train from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA. Amtrak is the main travel company operating this trip. Travelers can even take a direct train from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA.

How to travel from Fremont to San Jose

Popular as the capital of Silicon Valley, San Jose is surrounded by rolling hills, making it an ideal destination for your next adventure. Whether you're planning a day trip or a long vacation with your family, San Jose is the place to visit, with famous attractions like the San Jose Museum of Art and the Winchester Mystery House. You can make the trip from Fremont to San Jose via train.

Unfortunately, there are no flights or buses to San Jose from Fremont. The journey will cover 17 miles (27.4 km), and the train is the only mode of transit for this route. It is fast, with a journey duration of about 40min, and cheap. More than five trains depart for San Jose from the train station at Fremont every day. You can book morning, afternoon, and evening trains as the first train departs at 5:45 a.m., and the last one at 9:20 p.m. Omio enables you to book your most preferred mode of transport from Fremont to San Jose from the comfort of your home.

What is the cheapest way to get from Fremont to San Jose?

The cheapest way to get from Fremont to San Jose is by train. Only direct trains are available for this route, and the journey takes about 40min. Amtrak is the only company offering trains along this route. Capitol Corridor and Amtrak are the only trains that Amtrak provides for the Fremont to San Jose journey. The train departs from Fremont Station, Fremont, and arrives at San Jose Diridon Station in San Jose. At least five trains depart from Fremont Station every day, giving you various options for your departing time.

Omio allows you to find cheap train tickets from Fremont to San Jose by allowing you to compare prices from different providers. In addition to cheap tickets, you can save money in various ways. First, opt for slower trains instead of high-speed trains when booking your ticket. Second, always book your train tickets in advance. This will save you from the spike in ticket prices on your actual traveling date. Lastly, do not be fixed on one departure date, be flexible. Flexibility will give you the advantage of traveling on dates when the tickets are cheaper.

What is the fastest way to travel from Fremont to San Jose?

The train is the fastest way to travel to San Jose from Fremont. It will take you about 40min to get to your destination. Amtrak is the provider for Fremont to San Jose trains. The first train to depart from Fremont Station on a weekday is Amtrak, which departs at 5:45 a.m. On weekends, no early morning train is available; the first train departs at 8:19 a.m. Amtrak provides at least five daily trains from Fremont to San Jose. All trains from the station arrive at San Jose Diridon Station. No connecting trains are available, which will save you time.

San Jose City Fountain. Source: Shutterstock

Find the best tickets from Fremont to San Jose and book with Omio

Omio is an online platform designed to save you time and money. You don't have to run down to the station as Omio provides you with all your transportation options, prices, and travel durations on your phone. This gives you ample time to think through your options and select the most convenient one based on your schedule and budget.

Downloading the Omio app will save you money by saving you from the trouble of going to the station to book your ticket. It also saves you money by providing you with the cheapest options for your Fremont to San Jose trip. This is because you can compare the prices of the many companies offering transport from Fremont to San Jose. You also get the advantage of exploring your travel options in your language, ensuring no confusion arises during the booking process.

Moreover, our customer care staff will offer you any assistance or clarifications you may need in your language. You also do not need to print your mobile ticket once you book your journey. You can simply show the ticket collector your ticket on your phone. Lastly, with our Omio magazine, you can access tips about your Fremont to San Jose trip that can improve the experience of your journey.

Trains from Fremont to San Jose

You get the advantage of a cheaper and faster means of transport by booking a train to San Jose from Fremont. Amtrak provides at least five daily trains from Fremont Station, all direct trains. Two Amtrak trains operate along this route, Amtrak and Capitol Corridor. The former only operates during the weekdays, while the latter operates both on weekdays and weekends.

Furthermore, the Amtrak train is the cheapest and fastest train, but there is no significant difference in the journey durations between the two trains. Capitol Corridor only has coach seats, which are spacious and have a reclining function. You will also have a reading light, a power outlet, and a fold-down tray. The Amtrak train, on the other hand, only has thruway seats. Freemont Station, the departure station, is less than 2 miles (2.5 km) from the city center is about 4min away by taxi. The receiving station for Fremont trains is San Jose Diridon Station. The station is less than a mile from downtown San Jose, and you can take either a bus or taxi to the city center.

Train travel from Fremont to San Jose with Amtrak

Amtrak is the only train provider for Fremont to San Jose trains. It operates two different trains with at least five total trains departing from the station every day. Amtrak's trains operate between two stations, Fremont Station as the departure station and San Jose Diridon Station as the arrival station. Amtrak offers you plenty of services during your trip for a comfortable journey. These include onboard restrooms, onboard food and drinks, and comfortable seats in every car. The luggage allowance with Amtrak is also generous, and the cars are equipped with air conditioning to keep you comfortable regardless of the season.

San Jose City Street. Source: Shutterstock

To San Jose by train-travel tips

San Jose is a place for everyone. Whether you're looking for a dream family vacation, sports and recreation, visual arts, outdoor adventure, nightlife, technology, or shopping and dining, you are sure to get it in this city. You can have a family fun day at California's Great America, a theme park with live entertainment, thrilling rides, and fun water slides. You and your kids can also have an educative session on space exploration, clean energy, biotechnology, and genetics at the Tech Museum of Innovation.

You can afterward head to Santana Row in downtown San Jose, where there are plenty of delectable eateries to satisfy your taste buds. You can also have a shopping spree in designer shops like Kate Spade or Gucci available in Santana Row. On days that you are energetic, you can go hiking at Castle Rock State Park or Alum Rock Park, where you can enjoy the fresh air and immerse yourself in nature.

You can also enjoy the unforgettable beauty and serene atmosphere of the Japanese Friendship Gardens. To enjoy performing arts, you can visit the grand California Theater for operatic ballads or the City Lights Theater Company for cozy acoustic sets. This city has everything to make you postpone your trip back from San Jose to Fremont.

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All travel companies: Train from Fremont to San Jose

Travel on Amtrak travel between Fremont and San Jose at great prices. Omio finds you travel times and tickets for over 1000 travel companies all in one place.

Amtrak is a passenger train service based in the United States. It operates more than 300 trains daily including trains from Fremont to San Jose, connecting more than 500 destinations in 46 states and three Canadian provinces. Amtrak offers a variety of train types, including the Acela Express, Northeast Regional, Keystone Service, and the Auto Train. The Acela Express is the fastest train, reaching speeds of up to 150 mph. The Northeast Regional is the most popular, offering frequent service between major cities in the Northeast. The Keystone Service is a regional service connecting Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The Auto Train is a unique service that allows passengers to transport their cars along with them. Amtrak offers a variety of ticket types, including Saver, Value, Flexible, and Business Class. Saver tickets are the most affordable, while Business Class tickets offer the most amenities, such as complimentary meals and access to the Amtrak Metropolitan Lounge. Onboard facilities vary by train type, but all Amtrak trains offer comfortable seating, Wi-Fi, and power outlets. The most popular routes for Amtrak include the Northeast Corridor, which runs between Washington, D. C. And Boston, and the Pacific Surfliner, which runs between San Diego and San Luis Obispo, California. Other popular routes include the Capitol Corridor, which runs between San Jose and Sacramento, California, and the Empire Builder, which runs between Chicago and Seattle.

    FAQs: Travel from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA

    FAQs: Travel to San Jose, CA easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA.

    You can go from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA by train.

    Taking a train is the cheapest way from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA with average ticket prices of $13 (€12).

    Going by train is the quickest way from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA with an average travel time of 37 min.

    The Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA distance is around 15 miles (24 km).

    The average frequency per day from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA is:

    • 8 trains a day.

    However, we recommend checking specific travel dates for your journey from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA as scheduled services by train can vary by season or day of the week.

    These are the most popular departure and arrival points from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA:

      The following travel company offer services from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA:

      • Travel with Amtrak for trains to San Jose, CA. If you’re looking for a good deal on tickets, check for Amtrak Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA tickets on Omio for $13 (€12).

      Yes, there is a direct service from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA:

      • You can check for a direct train to San Jose, CA with Amtrak with 8 direct trains per day.

      Direct services to San Jose, CA tend to save you time and add more convenience as you won't need to transfer at another stop in between, so it's worth paying attention to before booking tickets for your trip.

      Your trip from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA doesn't have to end in San Jose, CA. Many of our customers like to extend their vacation to explore other popular destinations like Los Angeles, CA, San Francisco, CA, Salinas, CA, Sacramento, CA or San Diego, CA. If you’d like to add Los Angeles, CA, San Francisco, CA, Salinas, CA, Sacramento, CA or San Diego, CA to your Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA tour, check Omio for the best and cheapest ways to travel to any of these top destinations from San Jose, CA today!

      Travelling from Fremont, CA to San Jose, CA: related information

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