Train to Linköping - Book cheap tickets online

Fri, Apr 19
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Train tickets to Linköping

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Showing the fastest and cheapest results for Apr 19

Results include alternative arrival locations to Linköping
Stockholm Central Station
08:35AMLinköping Central Station
0 transfers
Stockholm Central Station
10:31AMLinköping Central Station
0 transfers
2nd Cheapest
Stockholm Central Station
11:29AMLinköping Central Station
0 transfers

About trains to Linköping

Discover budget-friendly train options for travel to Linköping using Omio, where you can find the most affordable deals on trains heading to Linköping. Trains to Linköping are known for their efficiency and comfort, making it a popular destination for travelers seeking a unique Swedish experience. In Linköping, you will be able to enjoy the rich history and vibrant culture of the city. Explore the medieval-style Linköping Cathedral, admire the breathtaking exhibits at the Museum of Art and enjoy a leisurely stroll through the picturesque Stångebro Nature Reserve. The average temperature in Linköping is around 10°C (50°F), making it a pleasant destination all year round. However, the best time to visit is during the summer months, from June to August, when the city comes alive with festivals and outdoor activities. Travelers enjoy the fact that Linköping is a hub of technological innovation, with a thriving aerospace industry and renowned university. Additionally, the city is known for its friendly and welcoming atmosphere. The main arrival place in Linköping is the central train station, placed in the heart of the city. From there, travelers can easily access various attractions and explore the city on foot or by public transportation. If you're looking for a cheap train to Linköping, Omio offers affordable options that allow you to travel comfortablyly, ensuring a memorable visit to this charming Swedish city.

Popular trains to and from Linköping

Popular trains to Linköping

Stockholm to Linköping train

from $10
Direct trains available
1h40 average duration
4trains per day
Served by
  • SJ
  • Malartag
  • Snälltåget
  • Tågab
  • MTR Express

Malmö to Linköping train

from $17
Direct trains available
2h45 average duration
1train per day
Served by
  • SJ
  • Snälltåget
  • Öresundståg
  • Krösatågen
  • Ryanair
  • Vy Bus4You
  • Malartag

Stockholm-Arlanda to Linköping train

from $22
Direct trains available
2h21 average duration
10trains per day
Served by
  • SJ
  • Malartag

Copenhagen to Linköping train

from $27
Direct trains available
3h35 average duration
Served by
  • SJ
  • Snälltåget
  • Öresundståg

Stockholm Arlanda Airport (ARN) to Linköping train

from $29
Direct trains available
2h21 average duration
7trains per day
Served by
  • SJ
  • Snälltåget
  • Malartag
  • MTR Express
  • Arlanda Express

Popular trains from Linköping

Linköping to Stockholm train

from $16
Direct trains available
1h38 average duration
1train per day
Served by
  • SJ
  • Malartag
  • Snälltåget
  • MTR Express
  • Tågab

Linköping to Stockholm Arlanda Airport (ARN) train

from $16
Direct trains available
2h19 average duration
1train per day
Served by
  • SJ
  • Malartag
  • Snälltåget
  • MTR Express
  • Vy Bus4You

Linköping to Stockholm-Arlanda train

from $20
Direct trains available
2h19 average duration
1train per day
Served by
  • SJ
  • Malartag
  • Snälltåget
  • MTR Express
  • Vy Bus4You
  • Tågab

Linköping to Malmö train

from $28
Direct trains available
2h43 average duration
3trains per day
Served by
  • SJ
  • Snälltåget
  • JLT
  • Tågab
  • Malartag
  • Öresundståg

Linköping to Copenhagen train

from $35
Direct trains available
3h34 average duration
2trains per day
Served by
  • SJ
  • Snälltåget
  • Öresundståg
  • JLT
  • Malartag

How to get cheap trains to Linköping

If you are looking to buy a cheap train ticket to Linköping, there are several options available to ensure you spend as little as possible on transportation. One of the best ways to save money is by taking advantage of discounts offered by Omio. Keep an eye out for special promotions or discounted fares, especially if you are a student, senior citizen, or traveling in a group. Another great way to save money is by booking your train ticket in advance. By planning ahead, you can often secure lower prices and avoid last-minute price hikes. Additionally, try to avoid peak times for trains, as ticket prices tend to be higher during busy travel periods. Traveling during the week, rather than on weekends or holidays, can also help you find cheaper train tickets to Linköping. Apart from saving money, traveling by train to Linköping offers a unique experience. Enjoy the scenic views of the Swedish countryside, relax in comfortable seats, and make use of onboard amenities such as Wi-Fi and power outlets. With affordable prices connections, a cheap train to Linköping is an excellent choice for budget-conscious travelers seeking an enjoyable journey.

Points of interest & landmarks in Linköping

Linköping, a vibrant city in Sweden, offers a myriad of attractions and landmarks that can be easily explored using various transportation modes. From historical sites to cultural hotspots, here are a few highlights:

  • The Linköping Cathedral: This magnificent medieval cathedral is the pride of the city, with its stunning architecture and rich history.
  • Gamla Linköping Open-Air Museum: Step back in time and explore this charming open-air museum, showcasing traditional Swedish houses and craft shops.
  • Swedish Air Force Museum: Aviation enthusiasts will be delighted by the extensive collection of aircraft, including fighter jets and helicopters.
  • Bergs Slussar: Experience the engineering marvel of Bergs Locks, a series of locks along the Göta Canal, offering picturesque views and a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Linköping Castle: Discover the remnants of this medieval fortress and enjoy the beautiful park surrounding it.

Free things to do near Linköping Centralstation in Linköping

With easy access to Linköping Centralstation, exploring the city's attractions is hassle-free. Whether you have a layover or simply want to explore the area around the train station, here are some free activities to enjoy:

  • Stroll through the beautiful Stora Torget, Linköping's main square, located just a short distance from the Centralstation. Admire the charming architecture, browse the shops, and soak up the vibrant atmosphere.
  • Visit the iconic Linköping Cathedral, a magnificent medieval church situated within walking distance from the train station. Explore the stunning interiors, marvel at the intricate details, and learn about the city's history.
  • Discover the fascinating exhibits at the Östergötlands Museum, located near Linköping Centralstation. This free museum showcases the region's cultural heritage, from ancient artifacts to contemporary art.
  • Enjoy a leisurely walk or bike ride along the picturesque Kinda Canal. Just a short distance from the train station, this scenic waterway offers serene views, peaceful surroundings, and a chance to reconnect with nature.
  • Explore the beautiful parks and gardens surrounding Linköping Centralstation. Take a relaxing stroll through the tranquil Stadsparken or enjoy a picnic at Tinnerö Eklandskap, both easily accessible from the train station.
  • Marvel at the stunning architecture of the Domkyrka Gardens, located near Linköping Centralstation. These well-maintained gardens provide a peaceful oasis in the heart of the city, perfect for a moment of relaxation.

Train companies: SJ, Snälltåget and Malartag to Linköping trains

Find the best route to Linköping with SJ, Snälltåget and Malartag. Comparing schedules and prices and booking the most convenient trip has never been easier with over 1000 travel companies on Omio.

MTR Express is a train company based in Sweden. It offers a wide range of services, including high-speed intercity trains, regional trains, and commuter trains. The high-speed intercity trains are called X2000 and offer a comfortable and fast journey between major cities. The regional trains are called Pågatåg and offer a slower but more scenic journey. The commuter trains are called Pendeltåg and are the most popular for short trips. MTR Express offers a variety of ticket types, including single tickets, day tickets, and season tickets. Onboard facilities include comfortable seating, free Wi-Fi, and power outlets. The most popular routes for MTR Express are between Stockholm and Gothenburg, Stockholm and Malmö, and Gothenburg and Malmö. These routes offer a convenient and comfortable way to travel between the major cities of Sweden.

Train stations in Linköping

Linköping Central Station is the most popular Linköping train station for Omio travelers, but Linköping has quite a few hubs. Find all the information you need to know about the main train stations in Linköping for your trip.
Amenities at station
Linköping, US Norra entrén
Linköping, Gränsliden (Staby Bro)
Linköping, Eskadern
Linköping, Universitetet
Linköping, Tallboda centrum
Linköping, Gamla
Linköping, Forskningsbyn
Linköping, Isberget
Linköping, Fönvindsvägen västra
Linköping, Tegskiftesgatan
Linköping, Mjärdevi Center

Trains to Linköping: related information

Here are some other resources that might have the information you need

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