Train to Étretat - Book cheap tickets online

Sat, Apr 20
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Train tickets to Étretat

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Paris Gare Saint-Lazare
10:32AMÉtretat, Normandie
1 transfer

About trains to Étretat

Find the best deals on trains to Étretat and book cheap train tickets to Étretat on our user-friendly platform. You will be able to enjoy the breathtaking cliffs and natural arches that have inspired artists for centuries, as well as the charming town center with its shops and restaurants. For those looking for adventure, there are also opportunities for hiking, kayaking, and horseback riding. The average temperature in Étretat is 14°C (57°F) and the best time of the year to visit is during the summer months when the weather is warmer and the days are longer. Fun fact 1: Étretat was a favorite destination of the impressionist painter Claude Monet. Fun fact 2: The town is known for its delicious seafood, especially its famous oysters. Fun fact 3: The cliffs of Étretat were used as a filming location for the movie The Age of Adaline starring Blake Lively. The main arrival place for visitors to Étretat is the Yvetot train station, which is located about 30 km (18 miles) away. Luckily, there are cheap train tickets available to Étretat, making it an affordable option for travelers.

How to get cheap trains to Étretat

If you're looking to save some money on train tickets to Étretat, there are several things you can do to keep costs down. One option is to make the most of discounts that may be available, such as student or senior discounts. Another way to save money is to book your tickets in advance, as prices tend to go up as the travel date approaches. It's also a good idea to avoid peak times for trains, such as rush hour or weekends, as prices may be higher during these times. Traveling during the week can also help you save money on train tickets to Étretat. Weekends tend to be more popular for travel, so prices may be higher on Saturday and Sunday. Additionally, some train companies offer special deals for midweek travel. Overall, there are many ways to save money on train tickets to Étretat. By taking advantage of discounts, booking in advance, avoiding peak times, and traveling during the week, you can ensure that you are getting the best possible price for your journey. Plus, with the money you save on transportation, you can explore more of Étretat's beautiful scenery and attractions.

Train companies: SNCF TER to Étretat trains

Travel on SNCF TER trains to Étretat at great prices. Omio finds you train times and tickets for over 1000 travel companies all in one place.

SNCF TER is a French train company that operates throughout the country. It offers a variety of train types, including Intercités, TER, TGV, and Ouigo. Intercités are long-distance trains that offer comfortable seating and a variety of onboard amenities. TER trains are regional trains that offer frequent service and are ideal for short trips. TGV trains are high-speed trains that offer the fastest way to travel between cities. Ouigo is a low-cost train service that offers affordable fares. SNCF TER offers a variety of ticket types, including single tickets, return tickets, and group tickets. Onboard facilities include Wi-Fi, power outlets, and a selection of snacks and drinks. The most popular routes for SNCF TER are Paris to Marseille, Paris to Lyon, and Paris to Bordeaux.

Train stations in Étretat

The major train station for arrivals in Étretat is Étretat, Normandie. Find all the information you need to know about services, amenities and connections at Étretat, Normandie for your journey to Étretat.
Étretat, Normandie

Trains to Étretat: related information

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