Split to Venice Flights

Sat, Apr 20
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Overview: Split to Venice flight

distanceDistance242 miles (390 km)
changesDirect flightNo
carriersAirlinesVolotea or Eurowings

Flights from Split to Venice cover the 242 miles (390 km) long route with our travel partners like Volotea or Eurowings. Travelers depart most frequently from Split Airport and arrive in Venice Marco Polo Airport.

Venice’s new Access Fee

If you’re traveling from Split to Venice by airplane between April 25 and July 14, you might need to pay an additional €5 Access Fee. Find out more about traveling to Venice.

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Airlines: Volotea and Eurowings flights from Split to Venice

Find the best trip to Venice from Split with Volotea and Eurowings. Comparing schedules and prices and booking the most popular trip has never been easier with over 1000 travel companies on Omio.

Eurowings is Germany's leading low-cost airline and offers a choice of Smart, Best and BIZclass fares for your next flight from Split to Venice.

Flights From Split to Venice: An Overview

Venice is the capital of Italy's Veneto region in the north. The town is built on a group of 118 small islands in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea. The city has no roads and instead is built around a series of canals. The town of Venice is a popular holiday destination for tourists around the globe. Famous for its canals, gondolas and magnificent architecture, the colorful towns of Burano and Murano are just some of the fantastic sites visited by tourists in Venice. Whether you are traveling to Venice as a tourist or for business, choosing to fly is a more convenient and easy method of transport. It will take an average of one hour 10 minutes to complete a journey from Split to Venice by air. 

Which airlines fly from Split to Venice?

Three major airlines fly from Split to Venice. They are Volotea, Austrian, and Lufthansa. Direct flights between the two cities are rare, with most airlines offering indirect flights with one change or stopover. The only airlines that offer direct flight on this route are easyJet and Volotea. Other airlines that fly this route include Smartwings, CSA, Eurowings, Croatia, Austrian, and Lufthansa Croatia. 

How long is the flight from Split to Venice?

The distance from Split to Venice is 629 kilometers, but few carriers operate direct flights on the route. Direct flights are rare but will complete the journey in around one hour 10 minutes. On average, flights with one change and a small stopover will take around six hours to complete this journey. The quickest flights with one change take around five hours 35 minutes, but this can increase considerably, and some journeys will take upwards of 15 hours. 

How many flights are there from Split to Venice?

On average there are around 16 flights on this route per day, with over 100 available every week. It is important to note that this service does not run on Saturdays. Direct flights are rare, with one service running every week, usually on a Sunday. Per day, eight flights are available with under seven hours travel time. Flights are usually available from around 06.00 a.m. until very late in the evening, across the week.

What is/are the departure and arrival airports for flights from Split to Venice?​

​​Departure airport: flights on this route depart from Split Airport, located 25 kilometers from the city center, on the western side of Kastela Bay, near the town of Trogir. Passengers looking to reach Split airport should take the bus from the center, which is inexpensive and takes around 30-40 minutes. Facilities available in the airport include ATMs, currency exchange, restaurants, duty-free shops, and car rental agencies. There are also passenger lounges with charging ports for electronic devices.

Arrival airport: The arrival destination for flights from Split to Venice is Venice Marco Polo airport. It is situated around seven kilometers from the city. Passengers can access the city center by water taxi, bus or taxi. The bus will take 20 minutes to travel from the airport to Piazzale Roma, the main terminal in the city. Services in the airport include restaurants, bars, and cafes for passenger refreshment. There is an extensive shopping area, featuring luxury clothing, food, and perfume. There is WiFi available throughout the airport.

FAQs: Split to Venice Flight

FAQs: Take a flight from Split to Venice hassle-free. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Split to Venice.
For the best Split to Venice flight to buy, you can travel safely and comfortably with Volotea or Eurowings. However, it's always good to check all possible airlines with services from Split to Venice to compare what amenities they may offer.

Flights from Split to Venice generally leave from Split Airport and arrive in Venice Marco Polo Airport.

Split Airport is 24.1 km away from Split city centre and Venice Marco Polo Airport is 22 km from Venice city centre.

Yes, you can take a bus from Split to Venice.

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