Saint Helier to Liverpool Flights

Sat, Apr 20
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Overview: Saint Helier to Liverpool flight

distanceDistance293 miles (473 km)
changesDirect flightNo

Flights from Saint Helier to Liverpool cover the 293 miles (473 km) long route with our travel partners like easyJet. Travelers depart most frequently from Jersey Airport and arrive in Liverpool John Lennon Airport.

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.


Airlines: EasyJet flights from Saint Helier to Liverpool

EasyJet will get you to Liverpool from Saint Helier at great prices. With over 1000 travel companies on Omio, you can find the best flight times, prices and tickets for your trip.

EasyJet is a British multinational low-cost airline headquartered at London Luton Airport (LTN). It’s the largest UK-based carrier based on the number of passengers carried. EasyJet flies to over 150 destinations across Europe and North Africa, making it a popular budget airline for travelers. To keep fares as low as possible, easyJet tickets are non-refundable and no complimentary snacks are provided onboard. All fare types include allowance of one small personal bag, while additional fees apply for carry-on luggage and checked luggage.

FAQs: Saint Helier to Liverpool Flight

FAQs: Take a flight from Saint Helier to Liverpool hassle-free. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Saint Helier to Liverpool.
For the best Saint Helier to Liverpool flight to book, you can travel safely and comfortably with easyJet. However, it's always good to check all possible airlines with services between Saint Helier and Liverpool to compare what amenities they may offer.

Flights from Saint Helier to Liverpool generally leave from Jersey Airport and arrive in Liverpool John Lennon Airport.

Jersey Airport is 7.9 km away from Saint Helier city centre and Liverpool John Lennon Airport is 14.3 km from Liverpool city centre.

More options for your journey from Saint Helier to Liverpool

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