Paderborn to Lisbon Flights

Fri, Apr 19
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Overview: Paderborn to Lisbon flight

distanceDistance1241 miles (2002 km)
durationAverage flight duration10 h 40 min
priceAverage plane ticket price$357 (€315)
changesDirect flightNo
carriersAirlinesTAP Portugal

Flights from Paderborn to Lisbon cover the 1241 miles (2002 km) long journey taking on average 10 h 40 min with our travel partners like TAP Portugal. You can get the cheapest plane tickets for this route for as low as $141 (€124), but the average price of plane tickets is $357 (€315). Travelers depart most frequently from Paderborn Lippstadt Airport and arrive in Lisbon Portela Airport.

The cheapest flights from Paderborn to Lisbon

Showing times and prices for Apr 19


The best way to find a cheap flight ticket from Paderborn to Lisbon is to book your journey as far in advance as possible and to avoid traveling at rush hour.

Lufthansa Cityline
0 transfers

Flight schedulefrom Paderborn to Lisbon

Showing flights for tomorrow, Friday, April 19
Lufthansa Cityline
0 transfers

This is the last flight of the day.

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The fastest flights from Paderborn to Lisbon

Showing times and prices for Apr 19

Fastest Journey

19 h 40 m


19 h 40 m

Flights per day



2003 km

Of the 1 flights that leave Paderborn for Lisbon every day 1 travel direct so it’s quite easy to avoid journeys where you’ll have to change along the way.

Lufthansa Cityline
0 transfers

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.


FAQs: Paderborn to Lisbon Flight

FAQs: Take a flight from Paderborn to Lisbon hassle-free. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Paderborn to Lisbon.
Cheap plane tickets from Paderborn to Lisbon can start from as little as $141 (€124) when you book in advance. The average flight ticket price for Paderborn to Lisbon is $357 (€315); however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
The average journey time by plane from Paderborn to Lisbon is 10 h 40 min   to travel the 1241 mile (2002 km) long trip. Journey times can vary on weekends and holidays, so use our Journey Planner to search for a specific date.
The first flight from Paderborn to Lisbon leaves at 6: 00 AM. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last flight from Paderborn to Lisbon leaves at 12: 40 PM.
When taking a flight from Paderborn to Lisbon, you can count on TAP Portugal for the best way to get you to Lisbon. You can also check all possible airlines who offer a service from Paderborn to Lisbon and compare the amenities they offer before buying a plane ticket.

Flights from Paderborn to Lisbon generally leave from Paderborn Lippstadt Airport and arrive in Lisbon Portela Airport.

Paderborn Lippstadt Airport is 19.7 km away from Paderborn city centre and Lisbon Portela Airport is 6.8 km from Lisbon city centre.

The cheapest month to travel from Paderborn to Lisbon by plane is December.
It's helpful to compare your options as there are 2 ways to travel from Paderborn to Lisbon including taking a flight or bus.

More options for your journey from Paderborn to Lisbon

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