How to travel from Málaga to Madrid

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Travel Information from Málaga to Madrid

distanceDistance257 miles (415 km)
modeAvailable travel modesTrain, bus or flight
priceTicket price range$24 - $22
cheapestCheapest modeBus • $22 (€19) • 6 h 30 min
fastestFastest modeFlight • $40 (€34) • 1 h 10 min
carriersPopular travel companiesInterbus, Air Europa or AVE

Take a train, bus or flight to travel 257 miles (415 km) from Málaga to Madrid. The most popular travel companies which serve this route are Interbus, Air Europa or AVE among others. Travelers can even take a direct bus, ferry, flight or train from Málaga to Madrid.

Travel options
from Málaga to Madrid

How to get from Málaga to Madrid by train, bus or flight.

Our recommendation

The best way to travel from Málaga to Madrid is by taking a train because it’s the best combination of price and speed.

Málaga María Zambrano
10:58AMMadrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes
0 transfers
Málaga María Zambrano
10:58AMMadrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes
0 transfers
Air Europa
Malaga Airport (AGP)
09:45AMMadrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
0 transfers
Other options
Malaga Airport (AGP)
08:50AMMadrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
1 transfer
Malaga Airport (AGP)
01:50PMMadrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
1 transfer
Malaga Airport (AGP)
08:50AMMadrid Barajas Airport (MAD)
1 transfer

Find all the dates and times for this journey by train, bus, flight, and ferry .

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May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22
May 23
May 24
May 25
May 26
May 27
May 28
May 29
May 30
May 31
Jun 01
Jun 02
Jun 03
Jun 04
Jun 05
Jun 06
Jun 07
Jun 08

How to Travel from Malaga to Madrid

Anyone traveling in Spain from Malaga to Madrid can choose between trains, buses and flights. Trains and flights require about the same amount of time when traveling from Malaga to Madrid. Alternatively, buses are the cheapest transportation option, although the route requires 6 hours of travel time.

Trains from Malaga to Madrid | Buses from Malaga to Madrid | Flights from Malaga to Madrid

Malaga to Madrid Travel Comparison

Average Price

Travel Time

Cheapest Time to Book



6:00 h

1 Day Ahead



2:35 h

2 Months Ahead



1:00 h

1 Month Ahead

What is the best way to travel from Malaga to Madrid?

Cheapest way to travel from Malaga to Madrid


Taking the bus is the cheapest way to travel from Malaga to Madrid. Buses traveling from Malaga to Madrid depart from Malaga's bus station and take approximately 6 hours to arrive at Madrid's Estacion Sur De Autobuses. Approximately 8 buses travel from Malaga to Madrid every day, with the first bus departing Malaga at 7:35 a.m. Daibus is the main bus company that travels from Malaga to Madrid.

Fastest way to travel from Malaga to Madrid


Technically, taking a flight is the fastest way to travel from Malaga to Madrid; however, when traveling to and from Malaga and Madrid's airports is taken into consideration taking a high-speed Renfe AVE train is actually the fastest way to travel. Both Iberia and Air Europa offer direct flights from Malaga to Madrid. Trains traveling from Malaga to Madrid depart from Malaga's María Zambrano train station and arrive at Madrid's Puerta De Atocha train station after as little as 2:35 h of traveling.

Most popular way to travel from Malaga to Madrid


Taking the train is the most popular way to travel from Malaga to Madrid. The train journey from Malaga to Madrid is only €2 more expensive than flying on average while also being faster when travel time to and from Malaga and Madrid's airports is taken into consideration. Alternatively, taking a high-speed AVE train is at least 3 and a half hours faster than traveling from Malaga to Madrid by bus. High-speed Renfe trains usually depart from Malaga's María Zambrano train station and take as little as 2:35 h to arrive at Madrid's Puerta De Atocha train station. Around 11 trains travel from Malaga to Madrid every day.

How to get from Málaga to Madrid

The Best Way According to our Users

Whether it is for business or leisure, in order to travel from Málaga to Madrid, 56,33% of our customers choose the train as their preferred mode of transportation. By traveling by train on this route, you can enjoy the comfort of spacious seats, spectacular views—and in some cases free Wi-Fi—in both second and first class. Our customers have decided that the train is the best way to get from Málaga to Madrid and have chosen to enjoy this fast, safe and efficient way to arrive at their destination. Taking the train also avoids long lines or potential expenses for transfers to/from the station—especially since most main railway stations are located in the city center. Train companies in Europe vary from country to country, but most of them offer high-speed train routes, therefore when you add up at the end-to-end journey time, the train is often also the fastest way to get to your destination.

Search on Omio to find cheap tickets from Málaga to Madrid. It’s easy to find the most attractive prices and choose your preferred route for your journey. Book on web or app, and travel with your mobile ticket —without the stress of printing your ticket.

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All travel companies: Airlines and Train from Málaga to Madrid

Find the best journey from Málaga to Madrid with Vueling Airlines, Iberia Express and Air Nostrum. Comparing schedules and prices and booking the most popular route has never been easier with over 1000 travel companies on Omio.

Enjoy a quick and easy journey on a travel to Madrid from Málaga with AVE, the high-speed travel from Renfe, the main Spanish railroad company and official travel partner of Omio. Search all AVE travel schedules and tickets on Omio to find the best deals for a travel from Málaga to Madrid covering the 257 miles (415 km) distance. Look out for ticket options like Promo, Promo +, and Flexible to find the most convenient Málaga to Madrid travel ride for you. Renfe AVE even offers discount cards for regular customers, such as the Renfe Gold Card and the + Renfe Youth 50 Card, which can be used when buying AVE tickets on Omio.

Renfe covers around 9,300 miles (15, 000 km) between national and international routes, among which are its AVE routes that connect the main cities of Spain. AVE travel are well-known among travelers for providing ultimate comfort, flexibility and convenience. Their travel are the most popular of Renfe’s fleet due to their high speeds reaching up to 192 mph (310 kmh) on select routes. They are also popular with travelers due to their premium services onboard, such as a restaurant, bathrooms, WiFi access, and entertainment.

      FAQs: Travel from Málaga to Madrid

      FAQs: Travel to Madrid easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Málaga to Madrid.

      There are 3 ways to get from Málaga to Madrid: train, bus or flight.

      The cheapest way to travel from Málaga to Madrid is a bus with an average price of $22 (€19).

      This is compared to other travel options from Málaga to Madrid:

      A bus is () less than a ferry with an average ticket price of () from Málaga to Madrid.

      A bus is $18 (€16) less than a flight for this journey with tickets for a flight from Málaga to Madrid costing on average $40 (€34).

      A bus is $3 (€2) less than a train with an average ticket price of $24 (€21) from Málaga to Madrid.

      The fastest way from Málaga to Madrid is by flight with an average journey time of 1 h 10 min.

      There are alternative travel options to Madrid that take longer:

      Taking a bus requires on average 6 h 30 min of travel time.

      Getting to Madrid by train takes 2 h 44 min on average.

      You should expect to travel around 257 miles (415 km) between Málaga and Madrid.

      The average frequency per day from Málaga to Madrid is:

      • 8 buses per day.
      • 11 trains a day.

      However, we recommend checking specific travel dates for your route from Málaga to Madrid as scheduled services by train, bus or flight can vary by season or day of the week.

      These are the most popular departure and arrival points when traveling from Málaga to Madrid:

      • Most travelers catch their bus from Malaga, Estación de Autobuses and arrive in Madrid, Estación Sur de Autobuses.
      • Most travelers take a flight from Malaga Airport to Madrid Barajas Airport.
      • Most travelers catch their train from Málaga María Zambrano and arrive in Madrid-Puerta de Atocha-Almudena Grandes.

      Omio works with many trusted partners that can help you travel the best way from Málaga to Madrid:

      • You can go to Madrid from Málaga by bus with Interbus, BlaBlaCar, Alsa, Alsa Supra or FlixBus. You'll see cheap bus tickets for $22 (€19) with Interbus from Málaga to Madrid on Omio.
      • You can take a flight from Málaga to Madrid with Air Europa, Iberia Express, Air Nostrum, Iberia, Vueling Airlines, Royal Air Maroc or Alitalia. Cheap tickets can be found for $40 (€34) with Air Europa from Málaga to Madrid.
      • You can travel to Madrid from Málaga by train with AVE, iryo or Renfe AVLO. You can find cheap tickets on Omio for $24 (€21) with iryo from Málaga to Madrid.

      Yes, there are direct routes from Málaga to Madrid with the following travel companies:

      • You can check for a direct bus to Madrid with Interbus or FlixBus with 1 direct bus per day.
      • You can find 11 direct trains per day to take to Madrid with AVE or iryo.

      Direct services to Madrid tend to save you time and add more convenience as you won't need to transfer at another stop in between, so it's worth paying attention to before booking tickets for your route.

      Many of our customers who book a trip from Málaga to Madrid often extend their vacation and travel to other popular destinations like Barcelona, Valencia, Seville or Paris. If you’re thinking of adding another destination to your Málaga and Madrid itinerary, let Omio find you the best connections between Madrid and any of these top destinations today!
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